Would you also like to teach your dog to track in a few weeks? We have now trained over 10,000+ dogs with this free video course.

In this video training, you will learn how:

  • You teach tracking without food on the track
  • You train your dog to make the corners while tracking
  • You must act when the dog misses articles on the track
  • You use a system used in police organizations worldwide
  • You deal with temptations for the dog while tracking

Do you want to teach your dog this too? Then sign up below for the free video tracking course.

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Donna Brinkworth

I highly recommend Dick's Online Training

I am careful when I consider incorporating new ideas into my training, but it's obvious that Dick Staal’s methods produce incredible results. They have inspired me to change my tracking – and even to drop food on the track entirely (that took a lot of persuading!).

The indication behavior is important

If a dog does not understand that an object on the track will give him his reward, he will always continue to search for food on the track. The dog will ignore the objects and want to continue tracking until he finds the food again.

A good indication of an object is an indispensable basis for a good tracking dog. A dog that is motivated to search for an object and to be rewarded will do everything to follow a track as well as possible. When you have taught this to your dog well you have laid the best possible foundation for tracking.

For years Dog Training Dick Staal has been helping people online and through seminars to learn how to track. Thousands of dog trainers worldwide have followed our tips and trainings and applied them successfully.

In our free training on tracking you will learn the most practical tracking techniques that you can use to train your dog and turn him into a good tracking-dog.

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I highly recommend Dick Staal's Online Training to everyone looking for tracking lessons and advice.
Donna Brinkworth
Dick gives you a "Core Philosophy".  While simple in concept its complexity lies in its simplicity.
Jack Fields
I love to see how detailed the instruction is build up. The videos improved my skills a lot and bring my training to a high level.
Raanan Wassen

Ready to learn the best tracking techniques?

Download this free tracking video. Get free tips that will help you lay the proper foundation for teaching tracking right away and avoid making the same mistakes 90% of dog trainers make. The free tracking video is the most complete video you will find online with the latest techniques that you can apply immediately!
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